Classes start....So I'm excited and disappointed about that. I've been reminded that I am not the smartest person I know; I signed up for a class that I've already taken and passed - by the time I realized what had happened it was too late......However this'll save on books as I've still got the book....That let me finally get around to getting something that I've always wanted; a white board...But now I don't know what to do with it. I suppose I can use it for planning and homework or whatever

I've been browsing youtube a lot recently and have come to realize that there are few/no channels that explicitly go over my field of study (linguistics) however there are a lot of exhibitionist omniglots and some of them are actual linguists and one of them comes close in that he showcases various language however he doesn't really talk about the science behind it all. No one has made a video version of the wikipedia entries revolving around linguistics and I thought: Maybe I can? I'm no where near an authority on the subject but I figure if I do my homework then it can't hurt so long as I cite my sources, present the pot, and keep my hands out. I donno...I've already reserved some channels now I just need to set out a lesson plan and so on.
I don't think I have a good TV voice/personality.

A friend of mine has been doing a little thingy where they draw sleeping people on the train. Their goal was 1,000 drawings. Today they got to 1,000 so I'm interested in knowing what they'll be doing after that.
I've been looking at more languages and have found hindi. Hindi will be the hardest language I'll have to tackle. The alphabet is a syllabary that kinda acts like an alphabet....A syllabic alphabet? Hold on, gotta figure out what it's called...Hindi uses Devanagari which is an "abugida alphabet" which, in laymans terms, is an alphasyllabary which is kinda what I said it was.....You're gonna have to look that stuff up on your own....Or maybe I'll make a video about it. Most/all of the alphabet, in this book, is described using linguistic terms and that's what sparked the search of youtube for linguistic videos and the idea to make my own.....The language also has sounds that I don't think exist in English, this'll make listening practice "difficult". Despite this there are a lot of slow paced videos online to listen to.

I've been trying to live without the phone for a couple weeks now. So far so good. I just use it as an alarm and then ignore it the rest of the time. Don't really think I miss it but I still know i have it with me in case I need it....I need to go all the way with it.
Lately I've not been cleaning my house.....I've kinda fallen into a stupor that I need to get out of. I did do dishes yesterday though...