Friday, January 16, 2009


Been a while.

Working from home is fine and all unless you have the attention span of a goldfish, then things aren't so great. I've tried that but always manage to either spend the day half asleep or wandering off around the house for a few hours doing nothing.

There was a pride parade last Saturday. Reminded me of proposition-hate 8 I'm against proposition-8 and it is sad to see it was proposed and passed.

The girl should have went but it was pretty fucked up to do what they did

Sunday through Wednesday was alright. I was working at the office those days, they have me going through these little tutorials for C# over ASP.NET, interesting but boring at the same time I wish I could think of little projects I could do but I can't think of anything I want. Maybe later.

There was a meeting on Wednesday, I don't like meetings but I'm glad there are only maybe one to two a month rather than every week..

And then there is japan...good ol japan...

The guy at 1:48 is pretty intense. 絶命した 

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I can only play FFXI one day a week. I relapse.

And I've decided to update only on fridays. thats my sunday so it'll give me another chore to get cleared away.

Anyway. Another week starts in the morning. going to bed

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I AM BACK! Guess what I did from 9am to 10pm......

First half was doing campaign. Thats where you go out and get attacked by twenty to thirty monsters of various shapes and sizes I got three merits.

It is silly because I'd expect people to move out of the way while the pain train comes through however people always want to be the hero so five or six people hop on the tracks think'n they can make a difference. They start getting plowed down and then start running all over the place so then the mobs link onto one another and run around aggroing people, after they have killed their original target, until it all calms down (i.e. "er body in da club is ( x _x)" ). So then the mobs go back to doing what they came to do which is tear down our fortifications. Once the mob aggros the fortification then they aren't going to aggro anyone else. I think it is best to let the mobs aggro the fortifications then pull them off it one or two at a time. Yes it lowers the nation influence in the zone but it is quicker than having everyone dead and the mobs attacking the tower....Though I suppose it is a totally different case when the NPC's are there....I donno...It gets pretty sick.

I actually managed to clear Dynamis - San D'Oria today. What you can't do with
finesse you can surly do with numbers. Throw twenty plus people with swords, axes, and knives at something and it is sure to go down. Unless whatever it is their attacking came out packing nukes under each oiled and greasy arms......Just waiting to drop that 'em.....Like I say; Go all out or don't go at all

OTOH I didn't do anything productive today. That is what MMOs do to you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm going to make mixed fish stew tomorrow.

So I've been trying to carefully work with my site today. One of the hard things is keeping project scope. This was mentioned somewhat in "The Pragmatic Programmer" Don't go adding all kinds of stuff that wasn't in the original idea mid way through the project.That just makes things more complicated and drawn out.

I also took to actively trying to apply Occam's Razor to my project. if it is too complicated then it isn't right. I've almost got the writer for the gallery done, I just need to build the case-switch tree that handles the index page; that'll decide which objects to instantiate. I like case switch trees more than if else trees. I also learned about implode today I imploded all kinds of things today just 'cuz. That is how I roll. I only managed to use it maybe twice though.

One problem with Geany is that when you are doing things you aren't supposed to be doing like working over FTP it has a bit of lag in the commands. I'm starting to like Geany more and more and dislike Rhythmbox more and more. I found that those little numbers in the brackets are the line number for the corresponding symbol

For some reason I think the construct was a bad idea. Donno why though, I guess we'll find out eventually.....

Coding is really pleasant. You get to make something, like Legos. it is even better when in a comfortable environment.

I think I'm going to cut back updating to the Friday of every week rather than everyday. Not like I got a whole lot to say anyway.

Feeling really down right now, need some chocolate and a hug. ( ó Ոò)

Monday, January 5, 2009


So I went out with the intent of taking pictures of the skyline at night from near the mountains and whatever. Instead I drove around for about an hour in some residential area at night. I also managed to pull into a police station parking lot; "Oh shit, this is not where I want to be" Is the only thing I've said out loud today. I should have stayed inside and did blender. I think I'm going to take the whole "Go outside" thing off my list. I don't need to go outside anyway, plenty to do about the house....After getting un-lost I got chastised on the phone on the phone for calling Floor fat. Then for a bit longer for calling 'er robust.. People these days.

Yesterday I went to get burger king, since it had been about 5 years since I had any, and when I woke up I felt horrible. I felt exactly as it smelled....

Today was my first day working from home. It was lonely but I think I can get use to that real fast once I actually have a task list. I didn't have loneliness problems during my vacation. I guess I just need to get use to working from the house.


( ° Д°)......黒い髪........私の妻


Sunday, January 4, 2009


OOP doesn't really feel much different, doesn't really seem "better". It, at the moment just seems like more coding. however I've been able to pull it off

$gallery = new Gallery();

does this:

Took me about an hour to get that going. Need to work on my lines of code vs. time ratio.

I've come to the age old conclusion that you simply cannot have enough RAM

Only five more days until I get to go back to my old server.!

今日は仕事にI forgot my lunch and decided that since I haven't been to Burger King in about 5 years I'd go and have lunch there. When I got upstairs from the office I found out there was a very mild blizzard going on. I dawn my hood and go out. The wind, and the snow/sleet, was blowing from the left to the right, when I had went outside I immediatly turned to the right out of habbit. The snow was hitting my back. So I walk a few steps and decide "I'll go the other way instead!" so I turn around and my hood and face gets filled with snow.....('° -°).

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today was alright, found out I need to redo my schedule, I get off at 6, not 5. I managed to get some torrents from d-addicts; mop girl and The Vineyard Man. I'm more interested in the latter of the two. I woke up at 6 today but felt really tired. Went over the forms of です

"今日はあぶないでわありませんでした" lol

I get to transfer back to my older server on the 9th. Pretty stoked about that. I want to try that maze thing.

I did miss out on my blender block because I got out at 6 and didn't get home until 6:30~

Oh well.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Last years resolution was to not end the year alone..... Failed.....

Today was the day I normally do house work, cooking, cleaning, yadda-yadda. I spent a good while on that and managed to do laundry. Always fun.

My new week starts tomorrow. And I'm anxious about that...I'm going to try and make my living hours between 6am to 8~9pm, winde unwind from 8 to 9 closing the day at 9 for sure.

And this is silly but eh...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


VOLCANOS always have initiative, are AOE, Deal 2d% per tern, and -always- score a critical. Super Volcanos have +10% to all their stats. that shits just crazy; nothing less than a 115% fucked up. I slept on the floor last night and decided to schedule my life.