Sunday, January 4, 2009


OOP doesn't really feel much different, doesn't really seem "better". It, at the moment just seems like more coding. however I've been able to pull it off

$gallery = new Gallery();

does this:

Took me about an hour to get that going. Need to work on my lines of code vs. time ratio.

I've come to the age old conclusion that you simply cannot have enough RAM

Only five more days until I get to go back to my old server.!

今日は仕事にI forgot my lunch and decided that since I haven't been to Burger King in about 5 years I'd go and have lunch there. When I got upstairs from the office I found out there was a very mild blizzard going on. I dawn my hood and go out. The wind, and the snow/sleet, was blowing from the left to the right, when I had went outside I immediatly turned to the right out of habbit. The snow was hitting my back. So I walk a few steps and decide "I'll go the other way instead!" so I turn around and my hood and face gets filled with snow.....('° -°).

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