I've decided to pick up a religion, or I suppose in this case a philosophy. Since I don't much care for how the organized religions handle themselves I thought I'd pick up Buddhism. That's more about self realization and actualization than it is about reliance on some ethereal being I've never even heard a peep from. It's just me and my thoughts which is good as that's generally the case except now I have a name to put with my solitude. I want to memorize the heart sutra. I wander if I have to memorize it in its native language or if I can learn it in another language and still be good to go....I wander, if now, I can still be enthralled by choco or if I should give that up. She recently got a new phone, a pretty nice one, I 'kinda' wanted it...Gotta give up Drink King though....That's totally in there, of course I hadn't drank at all for the past X amount of years prior; I don't know where to start counting

Oh, well....Summer vacation is just about over, I didn't do as much as I told myself I would do. Time to start getting ready for the next semester. I hope this time around I can take all on-line classes to help me avoid doing things like “going outside” or “seeing other people”....Foolish things I have no interest in anyway...I hope this time around to actually take care of my math class and take another English. I think after this English class I'll be done with it....If there are any linguistics courses I'll be taking them but I hope not to take more than 4 classes this time around.

I've said it before, I want to cancel my phone. I don't much use it. I've powered it off and I can't say that I miss it. About the only thing I use it for anymore is as an alarm clock. I think I'll have to get a pay as you go phone or unlock the one I have and use that one.

The greater majority of the people I know have wives/husbands/some-sort-of-mate and are settling down. I've not go any of that and am just starting to hustle about. I wander if I'm doing it wrong...
It takes 2 to do it right. =)
ReplyDeleteDon't fret about what others are doing. As long as you've determined you're doing it right for you, it's all good.