(03:54:55 PM) aggitan: Too bad you gotta fight Dark Ixion to get it
(03:56:51 PM) internet: have to fight me for my cloak, too
The fool doesn't even use it. All he does is stand around all day look'n all kinds of hard, mad-dogging people..

Do you see a cloak? I sure as hell don't. He's got more than one too. Should just let folks borrow it....Fucker has a cloak AND a cape. And he don't even use them.
I remember when I First saw Dark Ixion....Or rather didn't see Dark Ixion soon enough.
I had all of my filters on so I didn't see the raging battle going on to the left of me and suddenly I took like two thousand damage or something
I had 400HP
Good thing I didn't need those HP to keeping me alive or anything...Oh wait, I did! before I knew what was going on I died 5 times in a row.
The attack doesn't descriminate between people who do or do not have aggro. It simply sees "are you alive?", and deals with that little issue accordingly.
That's the kinda ass Dark Ixion is. I wasn't even doing anything, just trying to get home. I got home alright....in a body bag.
Dick Ixion.
Wow such a cool looking NM.
by the way, if that's your screenshot, how did you get close enough to not aggro it, shouldn't a NM like that be true sight, true sound, true everything?
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