The stuff is called 釜バターうどん (かまバターうどん/kamabataa udon/buttered iron-pot(kettle) udon(noodles) and it’s an very simple dish.

You will need (exact measurements):
Bonito shavings (Dried fish flakes) or あげ玉(あげたま, agetama(tenkatsu))
A pinch or two of roasted sesame seeds
A small green onion green onion
A spoon or two of soy-sauce
A hefty crack nail of butter
An egg or two or whatever
Udon noodles
To prepare the dish you’ll need to perform the following tasks mostly in parallel or quickly
0. Flash boil the udon noodles.
1. Chop the green onion into small rings, you can use the whole things
2. Give the sesame seeds a light go over, or two, in the mortar with the pastel
3. Drain the noodles, drop them in cold water, swirl once or twice, drain the noodles, put them in a bowl.
4. Get a bit of butter, not even half a table spoon more around a clean teaspoon, toss it in a corner of the bowl.
5. Sprinkle the bonito, sesame seeds, and onions over the noodles ‘n butter.
6. Yeah boy!
7. Crack the egg over the noodles.
8. Take a picture
9. Pour the soy sauce on that.
10. Mix.
11. Eat.
Unless the noodles were left to sit they should have just enough heat to melt that small amount of butter.
You might have extra broth/sauce stuff. You can mix that with rice, and eat.
wow! It looks very nice!!