So I took the ACT. I took it while being all fucked up on sleeping pills. I figured; the most important thing to do before taking a test is to get plenty of rest, so I took a double dose and was strung-out for the better half of the day. Everyone makes mistakes mine just cost me my future; fuck life.
So I have a tutore for japanese and today we played a Japanese version of scrabble lo and behold the native speaking Japanese person beat the non Japanese speaker can't honestly say I was surprised. She also laughed at my home work, I made a little screen cast that I was pretty proud of....was proud of.
I was reconsidering going to Japan again this winter for a quick visit to a temple and a quick photo shoot. But there would be at least two and a half fuck tons of both domestic and foreign travel in all the major cities and I would definentaly get lost and die alone in an open sewage ditch in the dead of winter.....
And the sad is back.
Don't worry!! I can take you to the sewage ditch so that you don't lose your way. :D